Blue Neapolitan Mastiff

blue neapolitan mastiffA Blue Neapolitan Mastiff is a very special breed of dog in several ways. These are very large dogs, and very powerful as well. As far as the potential owners of such dogs, let it be clear that these dogs are not for the average. A confident, firm, and loving owner is required. This is not something for the rookie dog owner. If style and grace are desired or the owner has a weak or timid personality, this is not the breed to be had.

As far as rarity goes, just remember that the name only refers to the color, and thus other than that, it makes it no different than other Neapolitans (hereafter referred to as Neos). Finding one isn’t really difficult at all. As far as cost goes, the general range seems to be around $2,500 to $3,500. These of course are AKC (American Kennel Club) certified. The higher price range tends to be for dogs that will be entered in shows and competition.

While on the subject of competitions, the Blue Neapolitan Mastiff can be shown and are considered by the AKC to be in the Working Class. They may be penalized for being undersized as the official standard description is about massiveness. This is where the majority of penalties come from as the description tends to be a massive beast with an imposing appearance and attitude.

These dogs are natural guard dogs as opposed to shows/competitions, and this will not change even with generations of breeding. For this reason, they need early training and socialization with people and other dogs. For families with small children, this dog may not be the best to have as their movements are clumsy and will easily knock a small child down.

Blue Neapolitan Mastiff Health Concerns

The Blue Neapolitan Mastiff does have some health concerns, some of which are quite serious. They are quite prone to cherry eye, a condition where the third eyelid bulges outward. Cherry eye can be surgically repaired. They are also to hip dysplasia. This happens when the thighbone doesn’t fit properly into the hip. This is a hereditary condition. They are also subject to elbow dysplasia, believed to be caused by the bones in the dog’s elbow growing at different rates. Surgery may correct this as well. The Blue Neo’s skin is wrinkly and has many folds, and from this fold dermatitis may occur.This skin infection is caused by moisture trapped in the skin folds. Maintaining cleanliness and dryness of these folds can prevent this issue.

Another potential health problems is demodicosis, which is caused by the demodex mite, inherent in all Neos. These mites live in hair follicles and generally don’t cause problems, but Neos with weak immune systems may develop demodicosis or demodetic mange. Also keep in mind that one trait of this breed is a very high pain tolerance, so the dog may not exhibit obvious signs of pain, so close examination by the owner or vet will be needed if an injury or other condition is suspected.

Something else to really think on if debating whether to get one of these dogs is the dog’s personality and temperament. Despite its imposing appearance, these dogs are loving, affectionate, and generally mild-mannered. It should be noted that these dogs are willful, but with the proper owner who is serious and confident, this will not be difficult to manage. They need a lot of exercise daily, so be ready for long walks. As far as a home for these massive canines, it is best to have a decently sized yard to patrol with a fence not only to help the dog establish boundary, but for the potential safety of others. Blue Neos don’t bark often, but when they do, it is deep and with authority. Overall, a Blue Neo is a good dog to have provided the owner does a great deal of research and is equipped to handle this impressive beast.